Woo Hoo! Snuck out of work a few hours early today and am now down in Sunnyvale hanging with SP, Gabe-ish and chilling out until the evening when we shall be social.
Yesterday was the day of babies at work. GL bought in Daniel, who I snuggled with for a while and then at the end of the day Gina came in with John. What a little cuteness she is. She decided, however, that I needed something done with my hair and I spent a considerable amount of effort attempting to keep her from pulling out all my hair. I think she was just disgusted with its unkept appearance and terrible split ends. All in all, it was much fun because kids in general just make you feel better (provided they are not screaming their heads of and being cranky).
In the evening I went to see
Weimar New York, which was great fun. Even though we left around midnight, the show was still going on and looked like it would go on for quite a while longer.
I shall attempt to rest this weekend, but will work with Linda on Monday (which is actually a work holiday). We have a lot to catch up on and with it just being the two of us in the office we should be able to get a lot done.
I finally broke down at got my
Atomica bag, which I have been coveting for many moons now.
Shanalogic just has the cutest stuff. While the design of the bag is great, I'm not thrilled with the bag structure... the straps are too short (though SP and I shall experiment with some solutions that that particular problem) and the bag itself is too big and I'm not sure I can live with having just one big inside space. I long for a bag that actually has inside pockets that make organizing and separating of items neater, as opposed to the bottomless-pit-of-a-purse situation. My kingdom for the perfect purse.
I haven't seen JH and Suie for a while, so I hope next weekend I'll be able to make it to Martinez for a visit. I miss them.
I haven't posted any pictures lately, so today I shall spice up my posting with one from my collection.

This is a picture from inside a Starbucks, which just so happens to be right across the street (a little street at that) from the British Museum in London. Who's not to say that one day, thousands of years in the future, the Starbucks coffee culture won't be enshrined in that very same museum as a cultural or historical landmark?