Really, one can only tolerate so much cuteness in one day. Despite the dastardly heat this past Saturday (88 degrees at 10:00 am up to 104.5 degrees at 5:00 pm in Sonoma) I found myself completely in thrall of these lovelies. But really, can anyone blame me? I mean, for pity's sake, their cuteness is quite demonic and therefore absolutely irresistible.
First, the duet: Samantha (the calico) and Tiburon (the tabby). Both girls, about 2 months old, rescued from the animal shelter in Petaluma.
Then some Samantha details:
Clearly she is thinking, "Yes, human, come closer so I can practice my claw-sharpening skills on your soft, fleshy, furless face. Yes, closer... closer..." (Notice the serious whiskerage.)
Samantha, being exhausted from her various skill improvements, decided she'd relax with my Kindle. She was certain that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies would be to her liking. She ended up dozing off instead, the poor tired little sweetling. (Notice shaved little belleh!)
Then there is Tiburon (aka the blood thirsty shark). This is what happens to kittehs after they've been scratched behind their ears for just a little bit. Total collapse. She stayed like this for a LONG time. In fact, I was unable to depart because of it. How could I possibly move? I might have disturbed her!
Okay, look, if you're going to get sick from the overwhelming cuteness, please take it elsewhere... (Notice the multi-colored schnozzle.)
And finally, a must have for all you Rorschach fans. What do you see there? No, please, keep it to yourself... really...