Warning: This is a ridiculously long blog entry. I take no prisoners!
Since Saturday, I have twice been admonished for failing to update my blog. In an effort to redeem myself, I shall therefore blog. First to clarify: my failure to blog is not because I have been playing WoW obsessively. In fact, you may doubt me when I say this, but I have not actually played WoW in many weeks. The reality is I needed a WoW break -- and frankly I had to catch up on my movie watching.
I had a burst of Roku/Netflix watching madness where I watched all available seasons of the BBC series, The Chef, many many movies -- some of which were simply a poor use of my time, random episodes of 30 Rock, South Park, and Couplings, and, well, other stuff too.
Then I decided to catch up on my Tivo list -- which was mainly episodes of this season's The Closer. Okay, kick ass. The Closer still retains status as one of the best shows currently on television. (Speaking of which, who the heck did I loan my Season 1 DVD collection to?) And I caught up on Top Chef (only 3 episodes so far).
Once I was back on the television side of things, one thing led to another, and I started watching some On Demand stuff. Like
S2 of True Blood. I'll confess without shame to have watched all episodes twice, now. Snarfffable Survey says: 50-50 on the rating meter. There are essentially two story lines, one involving vampires and the other not. Having a preference to vampires, I prefer that story line. The other story line is just a bit over the top even for me and my fondness for supernatural curiosities. Despite that, I think I might say that S2TB is better then the first.
Lest you think I've done nothing but work on turning my brain into mush, I have also been reading a lot. On my Kindle, of course. I read all the books in the
Sookie Stackhouse series (of which True Blood was based on). They were okay. The first few were very entertaining, but as the series progressed I found the author spent far too much time trying to explain pervious storylines (in case a new reader started later in the series). This was very distracting. Also, I think the author lost some of her interest and enthusiasm because at seemed at times like she was trying to fill up the pages with anything, rather than something really good. Nonetheless, I don't regret the time spent. The vampire love scenes were just perfect. Who needs women's erotica when you can just pick up one of these books and thumb to a love scene with Sookie and her vamp of the week?
I read some other stuff, too. I started re-reading the
Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin in the hopes that the last book will come out soon -- or in prep for the HBO production. Well, there are other books I could list, but suffice to say the Kindle makes it very convenient for me to read all sorts of random stuff.
So, that's a lot of TV/Movie watching and book reading. But that is not all. I have also been knitting like a fiend. I knitted a little cozy for my MacBook Air because I couldn't find a cover I liked. That then inspired me to knit a cozy for my Kindle. Of course I then had to make cozy's for the Slacker, so know he has his own set. I'm also knitting a scarf for
PacoTacoMike to keep him warm out there in the windy madness of Chicago. I'm using Misty Alpaca Chunky and let me tell you, such softness! I found the very manly pattern on a knitting blog for a yarn shop out in Philly -- can't link to it yet cause I don't want PTM to see the scarf pattern before he gets his -- but that blog led me to several other patterns I am also working on -- some new scarves with lovely silk and beaded yarn and a lap blanket for the Slacker (in dark colors, of course). The yarn for the blanket is organic cotton, perfect for the Bay Area. I liked the Misty Alpaca so much that I got some for myself and am knitting another scarf for myself. When I'll ever have cause to wear such a warm scarf, I have no idea.
This here is my MacBook Air Cozy. One thing I do have to say about this was my seaming at the bottom kicked ass. I'd say very nearly perfect. I also really dig the pico edge I did after the couple of inches of seed stitch. Gives it a nice finish.

This one is the Kindle Cozy I made the Slacker. I was trying for a much different pattern, but I didn't plan out well, and this is what I ended up with. I'm not really happy with it, but the Slacker likes it, so I guess it will do for now. When I find another yarn I like I'll knit him a new one. I made myself one in this same yarn, but it's a straight stockinette stitch with just a little change towards the top edge where I did a couple of rows of seed stitch before going back to stockinette for the final inch before bind-off.

Here's Slacker's MacBook Air Cozy. The yarn I used was a much lighter weight -- really a sock yarn -- so the stitches are much finer. I really loved the variegated blue yarn and it worked up beautifully.

Here's some pics of works-in-progress...
This one is a scarf I'm making with the scrumptious beaded silk yarn noted above (I purchased several colors so I could make one for a few of the girls). Below that is a pick of the 3 other yarn colors.

This one is another scarf in the same pattern as the above but using the Misty Alpaca Chunky.

And this one is Slacker's blanket in progress. I'm using just four colors and I'm planning on 3 repeats of those colors (though the size is off from the pattern, which will require me buying 4 more skeins of yarn). I'm thinking the middle repeat will have more rows of the pattern, maybe 8 or 10 depending on how much yarn I have.

My hands have not been idle.
Amidst all the above, I've done a little bit of socializing and relaxing, but nothing exceptional.
Oh, I am changing jobs, too. I asked to transition from my position as the Director of the Project Management Office to a newly created position of Sr. Systems Analyst. I decided I didn't want to keep doing the project management stuff. I'm hoping the new position will give me a chance to get back to doing some more technical things. We'll see how that pans our over time. I'll be in the programming/dba group and my main focus is to be the go-between between our functional users and our technical team.
So, there's my update. I can only hope this will satisfy my impatient readers.