I've been busy as a bee, lately. Between learning new work stuff, including taking an Intro to SQL class, and doing much socializing, I have barely had time to myself. Even been making it to quite a few movies, including "Prince of Persia" (meh) and "Iron Man 2" (fun). And lots of reading! I finished the last two Stieg Larrson books, "The Girl Who Played with Fire" and "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest", "The Guernsey Literary & Potatoe Peel Society", and the latest from Elizabeth George, "This Body of Death". All of them were good reads. I'm now reading my friend, Deb's, most recent romance novel, "Tempting a Proper Lady" (sheesh, it's making me blush!) and after that I plan to give "The Passage", by Justin Cronin, a shot. Add to that a bunch of comics I've downloaded via ComiXology on to my lovely iPad, and, well, yes, lots of reading material.
Oh, and I purchased a beautiful work of art while visiting some artists as part of Open Studios in the Santa Rosa area this past weekend! I'm so excited. I'll post a picture once I have it -- have to go back up to pick it up. The artist is
Rik Olson. Got something for my slacker bro, too.