But there was one moment of excitement in my afternoon. It involved a cow. I was driving back from Bodega Bay and decided to stop and take a picture of a field of cows I had noticed on the way north. I got out of the car and walked over to the fence, all the while with this one particular cow watching me intently. I admit, there was suspicion in her eyes. She began to moo, a series of long, deeply expressive moo's and when she was through, a whole bunch of cows moo'd in reply. I decided to give it a try... maybe I could say something nice to them. Now, I confess, I'm no great moo'er, but I gave it my all. I even thrust my head out and made my throat long so I could get a nice, deep edge to the end of the moo.
The response to my efforts was even greater mooing -- was it in distress? Then, the cow who had been watching me ever since I pulled over, started to walk towards the fence. I wish I could say I was a brave, outdoorsy chic who waited for the cow to reach the fence so I could pet her, but I confess, the fence didn't look very strong and, well, frankly, cows are really big. I got in my car.

The cow, let's call her Belle, arrived at the fence and moo'd at me. I moo'd back. We had some pleasant words. I assured her I didn't eat beef (these did not seem to be milking cows, but what do I know about cows?) and that I had very few leather products. She didn't seem impressed. I assured her I would do my best to avoid buying cow hide in the future. I thought that would appease her, but she seemed determined that I proselytize the need to give up beef. So, you heard it first from me... right from the cows mouth, Belle says, "Don't eat beef."
I was sorry to leave her there. She really was a lovely cow.
I want to mooooooooooooo with y'all, too. Moooooooooooooo....
my goodness she really does have quite the nose, doesn't she? Very large, wet, protruding so from her snout...and that belly! Moooo moo mooooooo!
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