I'm back from the SGHE Summit! Woo Hoo. That was a long week away. 50/50 ROI on that conference. I hope my colleagues had a better return on their time.
Just finished reading the second book in the vampire romance series, which started with "Twilight", written by Stephanie Meyer. Sure, it's for young teens. Sure, it features a 17 year old girl falling in love with a 17 year old (relatively speaking) vampire. Sure, along with the good, loving vampires there are werewolves and evil vampires. But what can I say? It's fun reading. Like eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's. And yes, I'm going to keep reading them. It's kinda like the twisted period I went through reading that horribly written Left Behind series. I can say, without a doubt, that Stephanie Meyer is a MUCH better writter then the, uh, people who wrote Left Behind. There is only a little bit of irony is comparing a vampire series to a religious end-of-the-world-rapture-antichrist-is-here series. I will say that had the Left Behind series ended with the fourth, or even the fifth book, I might have finished, but it just goes on and on and really, even I, with my fascination on how religion pervades our society, can only take so much of the crappy writing and endless story line. I guess they'll keep writing them until the Rapture actually comes. I think R. Laurence Moore needs to update "Selling God."
But I digress...
In just a little while I go on vacation! Cazadero Heaven here I come. I really, really hope the place is nice and comfortable. And of course there will be wine.
And today, a little paw action! Here Keiko extends her back leg and spreads her little toes wide. Look at that cute little pink kitty paw pads? This paw action should be exposed on CuteOverload. The horror. The horror.

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