I'm on my way to becoming
RoboBeth. Finally posting some x-rays from my doctor visit last week. The first one shows the pin before they yanked, twisted and pulled it out. Not fun. My understanding (which doesn't say much) was that the pin was there to provide support to keep the elbow from dislocating again because of damage to the soft tissue. The second and third pictures show the plate they put in pretty clearly. The plate was put in to replace the smushed part of the radial head. I start physical therapy Friday. I am both looking forward to and dreading the PT.

DP visited yesterday and was a great help. Took me out to lunch and to Walgreens, clipped the girls' ginsu sharp claws and stood guard while I showered. Big accomplishment of the day was managing to get my arm fully wrapped on my own!
We can rebuild her... make her better.. faster.. stronger! *bionic woman sounds*
ahem*clears throat*
*elvis impersonation*
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
Happy Birthday to yoUUUUUU
A Happy Birhdaaaaay
A Dear Hula-mama Beeeeth
Haaaappy Birthdaaaay to YOUUUUU!
hehehe *huggles* Happy Birthday Beth *smooches*
Awwwww.... I'm so specials....
shhh Don't spread that around! those who luv ya don't want to be having to share you with the whole world here! >.<
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