Sunday, January 5, 2014

Locke it Up

This weekend I went out to the East Bay to hang with J&S. On Saturday, we drove out into the delta to take photographs. It was a beautiful day and though we didn't take a lot of photographs, here are a few worth sharing.

A big drawbridge crossing to Sherman Island (I think).

Our desitnation was Locke, CA, a Chinese settlement buillt up early in the 1900s. It's in some serious disrepair, but there appear to be efforts to improve the town and make it nice place to live and a worthwhile destination. The Library of Congress's website has a nice collection of material about the town gathered in their Historic American Buildings Survey section. The data document is worth reading and the pictures and diagrams of the town are interesting.

The main drag.
Dai Loy Museum
Another view of the main drag.
Stairway alley up to the levee road.
Pay Here Honor System Fruit.
Taking a left at the top of the main drag at the T-intersection.
Windowscape. Really want that Viking Hardy Boys book.
Al the Wops - Yelp's got them with 4-stars.
Daenerys Targaryen has got nothing on us!
I put a few black and white pics from the visit on my flickr site, too.
Daenerys Targaryen has got nothing on us!

On the drive back, we stopped for ice cream in Walnut Grove and took some sunset pictures.

The door of a metal work gallery.



Unknown said...

the one of my dad is classic!

Cheryl Czekala said...

I really like the first shot in the "sunset at Walnut Grove" series!