My 1st iPod: gift from my Slacker Bro
My Wii: gift from my Slacker Bro
My 1st iPhone: gift from my Slacker Bro (and the lovely SP)
My DVD player: gift from my Slacker Bro
My Roku box: gift from my Slacker Bro
My flat screen TV: hand-me-down purchase from my Slacker Bro
My Kindle: gift from my Slacker Bro
Are you sensing a pattern here? While I enjoy embracing new technology and do get pleasure from the occasional tech toy, the real tech geek, the real early adopter, is my Slacker Bro. I'm just super lucky he loves me enough to hook me up with all this techno goodness. Oh, and though I may have broken down and gotten an iPad just 2 days after it's release, I don't see it as some revolutionary device, but rather an extension of an already proven user interface made popular with the iPhone and iPod Touch...
As to other news, the keynote speaker at SunGard Summit 2010 was Chris Gardner, the man behind The Pursuit of Happyness. He was a great speaker; engaging, motivating, inspiring. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to hear him present.
And just because...

-- Posted via the SnarfffPad
I do believe I detect a trend... ;-)
your brother is amazing! keep the posts coming, always love reading em.
What a nice brother! Slackerbro seems a misnomer!
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