First, let me just note that since Wednesday, my connection has dropped more each day with such consistency that I all I can say is I'm actually glad I blogged about the issue and Comcast responded so quickly. I say this because after Wednesday night, if I had been left to calling on my own, I know my angst would have been at a high level. Which just goes to show, you should NOT wait until a problem is so bad that you are so completely frustrated you just want to take the perceived source of the problem -- in this case my moden -- and throw it out the window, before you call for help, regardless of the vendor. And let's just also note how many times I've said that to my own customers when I was managing the Help Desk and how even now, when I hear someone at work complaining about a tech problem that's frustrating them I ask, "Have you reported this to the Help Desk?" and they say, "Uh, no." So here I am, typical human, failing to practice what I preach. Of course, this doesn't help much if the vendor is totally lame and has a history of giving you the run around (which I will confess has NOT been my general experience with Comcast, even if they are an evil corporate giant, which I just so happen to own shares in, but only by accident).
But I digress, so back to the story...
As I noted in an short update to my original posting, Comcast, via Sandy from their Executive Customer Service Center (or something like that), made arrangements for a technician to come out and check my network (or, as CO likes to say, my intrawebs). My time slot was for today, between 9:00 and 11:00. The technician, a very nice young woman (I love that, girl tech power!) showed up sometime around 10:00, temporarily saving me from my compulsive zombie killing on the SnarfffPad (I had planned to play some WoW but shock, my connection had dropped!). I left her to her own devices, keeping out of the way in the kitchen and being productive in going through the gynormous pile of mail I had been accumulating.
She goes about her technical machinations and soon tells me that it looks like the problem is outside (whew, I was really dreading the "well, I can't find anything wrong with the line so it must be your ----." (where ---- is my modem, or my router, or just me in general). She then goes outside and does some more technical stuff and comes back to let me know she's got it working for now but that she's going to have some other tech come out to check the line out on the street. This might cause an interruption, but once that's resolved I should see no more dropped connections. Then, just in case there are issues, she provides me with her supervisor's contact information should the problem start to manifest itself again.
We shall see what happens over the next few weeks.
As to Comcast's blog-stalking behavior, it is paying off so far. The original comment to the post, from Mark, was very nice, even if he did miss my not-so-subtle reference to the problem with my phone number not being associated with my account. He and another colleague responded to my e-mail very quickly. Sandy from the Executive Customer Service whatever office was very polite and friendly and responsive (I expect she will be checking in with me on Monday). The tech today was more of the same. So, for my own personal experience, at this point I'm content, with no immediate plans to move to DSL -- unless my network goes down again :-) And you know if that happens, you'll be reading about it!
Until next time, Comcast...
And just speaking of zombies...

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