Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sea Ranch Getaway

It's been a while since I've been up to Sea Ranch, but last weekend I had the chance to go up for a few days with the Konyas. We had a nice little place close enough to the ocean that I could hear it singing to me through the night. Lovely.

First, in respect to my backseat companion, an expressive portrait of EB. I do have to say, Electric Bird was pleasant company, though he drinks too much.

Our first night treated us with a beautiful sunset.

In the morning I took a walk with Madge and my two zoom lenses.

These fences abound around Sea Ranch.
As close and as sharp as I could get with the telephoto. Handheld all the way out at 200mm.

In the afternoon we drove out to Boonville for wine tasting. Along the way I got this shot.

Sunday we chilled out.

I'm really glad I had Madge along. We are getting to know each other slowly but surely and the improvement in image quality is clearly evident, though I have yet to print any photos. The real challenge, of course, is in learning when to apply the different exposure settings. So, experiment, experiment, experiment and try to make note of what I'm doing so I can reference back later. I've already taken a couple of thousand images, most of which I've deleted, but I'm having fun even while tormenting my friends. Lisette was especially patient and I got a few really good shots of her.

I continue to make my way through the online photography intro lessons. I'm also working on organizing all my pictures. I'm going through my iPhoto events one by one to delete bad images, naming the files, rating them, adding descriptions. Tedious to do. My goal is to try and do this when I first upload new images so I don't have to go back to do it later. I downloaded a book on iPhoto, which is providing some useful tips.


1 comment:

Cheryl Czekala said...

Great fun to see these beautiful photos, Beth! Thanks for your efforts and for posting to share.