Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Horrible Cuteness

Some posts require minimal text. This is one such post.
Nope, nothin' over here. Keep movin' along. (Pawz)
Did you say something? (Rust)
Yup, I'm cute. So what? (Axel)
WTF was that? (Rust and Odin)
Butt smack! No fair! (Rust and Pawz)
What? Sneaking up on you? Heaven's no, I'd never do such a thing. (Odin)
What's this? It's my pet mouse. We're cuddling. (Pawz)
Fern, your ass is grass! (Odin)
Gettin' a good look, lady? (Brain, aka Little Momma, Axel and Odin)
Hold up! I'm checkin' somethin' out. (Pawz)
If you need a kitten, these cuties need a home.