Sunday, June 19, 2016

New Bellhops Location

I'm trying a new blogging service for Bellhops.

Bookmark the new location. Maybe you can follow my new site, too... Not sure how that works yet, though.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Yup, Almost a Whole Freaking Year!

Yes, I know, it's embarrassing. Almost a whole year since I posted anything to Bellhops. In fairness, most of the last year I was swallowed up in Salesforce related work, which translate as: "I'm too tired to do anything. Ever."

But I'm not doing Salesforce anymore. New job, new responsibilities. Much better.

If any of my 8 readers are still out there, I'm reading a memoir right now titled "Let's Pretend This Never Happened", by Jenny Lawson. Read this book. Laugh. Get stomach pains from laughing hard. Seriously.

Other news: I learned just recently that Storehouse is shutting down. This is sad news. While I didn't find Storehouse as useful after they locked things down, it was still an amazing tool and I loved using it for the stories I did publish. It was an easy to use, intuitive app and the results were beautiful. In the beginning, when it was more open, I loved seeing what others were doing - many of those stories inspired and excited me. I never really understood why they shifted their model - their reasoning at the time didn't really click for me - but that was their business decision. Regardless, I hope MK and his folks will move on to wonderful and exciting things as they are clearly a talented bunch.

I'm still taking photos, though I have been a bit lazy lately. No excuse. I did take a class on digital photography at RayKo, and I learned some new things, I will take the level 2 class in the fall.

Trying to use the iPad with Blogger still sucks, even using Chrome's Request Desktop Site feature.

And just because: