Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Back to the Salt Mines

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2008 is here and will be for a while, so let's make the most of the next 365 days!

But in the real world... Argh, back to work tomorrow after a nice long weekend. Whoever thought working for a living was a good idea was a sick f*ck*r.

New Year's Eve was very nice. Went down to Ocean Beach to watch the sunset and to give an offering to a pagan goddess (goddess of the New Year and the ocean). It was a beautiful sunset and we enjoyed the bonfire, the company of friends and strangers, and several cups of champagne.

Then I headed to the German's house for the evening. Only a handful of us were there, so we had a relaxing evening eating, drinking and playing poker. While I was consistently giving up my chips, at the very end of the night I called a pot in Acey-Ducey which put me in the green and ahead $6.

And now I must go sleep so I can be rested for our first day back at work. Blech.

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