So, to you people over at Urlesque, and to you shamefully supporting cute lovers at Cute Overload, I PROTEST this Day Without Cats. You guise it in the form of giving cats a break, as if somehow cats need your help from shameful catsploitation. Cats don't want a break. They aren't being exploited. They believe, perhaps rightfully so, that they are the center of the universe and should always be in the forefront of everything. No, you insult them with this day, trying to hide them, pushing them into the closet, locking them in the laundry room! Shame, shame, shame.
Nuku supports this protest and happily presents his exceptionally fluffy tail and bloomers!

Agree 100 per cent with your protestations, Snarfff.
Nuku's bloomers are indeed impressive, worthy of a Victorian fashion plate.
Wow. Nuku does indeed have a fabulous tail and fluffy buns!
You know what entity hosts urlesque? AOL, the company that spammed us with billions of actual, not virtual, "Free Trial" discs that wound up in landfills.
But they think cat pictures are spam?
This cat lady had to go right outside and talk to my cat about the Day Without Cats. here is what she had to say.
Samhain clearly has some strong opinions of which I am in complete agreement. And to possess such a rare and true talent at interpretive dance. Most impressive! And the haiku! Astounding! Truly a magnificent feline, one which should flower the internet with beauty and gracefulness. Thanks for bringing yet another piece of perfection to my attention!
Yes bipedals are always exploiting the very very cute felines -- why don't you bipedals do what is expected of you? Feed us, scratch us, play with us according to our demands and expectations?!
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