Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Latest Victim

Katja and her deadly fangs have struck again. This time, my poor Dad. Apparently Katja did not appreciate the ruckus we were making. First, she attempted to attack me. I soothed her and she seemed to have settled and we lowered our voices. But then, while she was walking along the couch's armrest, Dad did the typical and seemingly pleasurable act of petting her when, yes, out came her fangs. Normally this would be a minor nip, but the heart meds Dad is on thin his blood, plus I think his skin has thinned with age. My poor, wounded father. Luckily the house was full of medical supplied and all was taken care of with no shedding of tears, or fur for that matter.

While I blame the noise volume on Katja's nipping tendencies, I suppose I should consider the possibility that she has grown to like human flesh and that, in reality, no one is safe.


thistle said...

OMG!! The link! I love it!!!! My first thought was indeed how, not why...

as for Katja.... we all know she is evil. Poor dad. Tell him there's still N Judah!

Cheryl Czekala said...

Yes, my heart always stops for a second when I reach out to pet that kitty. So lovely, so fluffy, yet so mean, and equipped such sharp fangs. No wonder you like those edge-of-your-seat movies and books, Bethikins. That is your life!

JoeEuphonium said...

:( WHYYYYYY Kajita!?!?!?!?

JoeEuphonium said...

When do we get to try hufu!? YUM! ^.^

Just Me Mike said...

HAHA I couldn't help but laugh out loud, great post! Poor dad though, hope he's doing all right.