Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Work is Evil! Oh, tell me something new, puhleeeeze!

Okay, I know, nothing new in this world when someone says work is evil. Sheesh, where is my originality? It's in the gutter, that's where! Sucked out after a day of back to back meetings and, in the few in between moments, "blah blah this" and "blah blah that" and "can you blah blah?" and "what should I blah blah about this?" I have finally gotten to the point where I have to schedule time in my day to prep for meetings or do email! And don't even get me started on email. How is it that of the 1,079 emails in my inbox 750+ are not yet read? How could I let myself get to such a state? And that's after several hours everyday doing email wherever and whenever I can! Shocking. Truly shocking.

But I have some things to look forward to this week... dinner at my my friend's house Thursday, movies Friday, Humphries Household Saturday, birthday party Sunday. There is hope in my social life and in my friends.

And now I must prepare for American Idols. The girls are up tonight. I feel now shame.



Paco Taco Mike said...

You know Beth, if you wish hard enough those 750+ emails will become 750+ voicemails :-) Hope your weekend goes well, make sure to make time for yourself to relax! bye!

Unknown said...

How do you like the book Ring? Have you seen the movie?