While up in SR visiting my grandmother with the Abs, we stopped at this place in Sebastopol out on Bodega Highway called the Rose & Thorn - like a nursery/gift shop. The also sold fresh eggs. And not just any fresh eggs, but ones from free roaming chickens. They were just wandering all of the place, messing with the dirt, drinking water out of random bird baths, slipping under my legs, through the shrubbery and what not. There were a few roosters, of course, and they were quite vocal. I do have to admit we even so this super fluffy little black rooster try to get some action with this larger white and grey spotted chicken. But I can tell you, she wasn't having any of it.
Really, they were just the cutest, with their silly faces and fluffy bloomers! All sorts of ones, too! I was very excited and they kept me smiling for hours.

Did I mention they had goats, too? A veritable pleathora of animules....
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