Monday, June 8, 2009

I Have Kindled my Reading Fire

Test drive of my bro's Kindle was a success. So, he got me one as a VERY early xmas/bd present -- yes, I'm painfully spoiled.

I've already downloaded a bunch of books:
The Strain, by Chuck Hogan and Guillermo Del Toro
World War Z, by Max Brooks
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith (yes, the four Bennet sisters are quite adept at decapitating zombies -- as if there was any doubt)
The Little Stranger, by Sarah Waters
Fool Moon (Dresden Files, book 2), by Jim Butcher

I'm contemplating We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land, by Jimmy Carter, but the sample only goes up to part of the introduction, so I don't get a real sense of Carter's writing, so I'll have to wait to check out the book in the store so I can read the first few pages of the first chapter.

I also downloaded a free book Amazon was providing, Serial, by Jack Killborn and Blake Crouch. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and an issue of the Narrative writing journal. Just to check it out.

Anyway, I'm digging it. Is it possible I'm reading faster with this device? I find that hard to believe, but who knows.

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