Monday, February 18, 2013

Bellhops Posterous Archive

I'm not exactly sure how to handle my archived postings from Posterous. I want to make them accessible to searches but since they aren't in the blog itself, then I suppose the best way is to tag this message and hope we can find what we are looking for when we want it. In case you are feeling nostalgic, I've archived them at The direct url to the index is

There are a lot of posts from when Bellhops was on Posterous and I make myself giggle when re-reading. My dad doesn't understand the whole blogging thing. To him it seems very ego-centric and self-absorbed. "Who cares?" he would say to me. To a point he's right. I do, at times, feel pretty self-centered to think anyone would want to read my stuff. Most of it's not very serious and even though I occasionally rant, most of my stuff is just downright silly or, yes, involves cats.

In the end, though, I enjoy my blog. I enjoy writing my posts. I enjoy figuring out what pictures to include. I enjoy when my friends comment on something. And if some random person out there happens to come across something I posted and happens to enjoy it, then all the better. I know I come across people's blogs randomly and I get a kick out of reading what they've posted. It's like a little window into the life of a stranger, which appeals to my voyeuristic personality.

And another just because.

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