Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spoiled by Posterous Mobile Posting

I have been checking out blog service options and checked out Squarespace. I spent a lot of time messing with a test account and even though I wasn't digging the template options I figured I might be able to deal with them. Paying $8 a month seems steep to just blog, but if you want features I guess you've got to pay. They have a very nice image interface that I thought would be a good alternative to the functionality I've come to love in Posterous. When I downloaded and started testing the iPad app, however, I discovered there isn't any similar capabilities for posting via that tool. In fact, as far as I can tell, all pictures get inserted at the start of the post; there is no way to control where the images go in the body of the posting. Same with emailing a post as the images are attached to the email rather then embedded in the content of the message.

Well, gee, that's not really any different then the functionality offered here in Blogger.

I still have to see if Squarespace web interface works on the iPad. If it does, then maybe there is hope.

For now, sadness.

But Keiko takes away the pain.

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