Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fresh Bedding... Yum

The girls revel in clean linens. Chop Suey and 'da Moose concur.

I've been putting too much WoW time in and not enough schoolwork or reading. And speaking of reading... I am in the process of reading, count it, 5 books! I need to just put 4 of them down and finish 1, but they are all so good...

Labyrinth: weird historical time/space confusion holy grail type book.
The Last Good Kiss: noir reading in the modern day -- private dick out of Montana.
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle: sorta like a coming of age novel.
A Dangerous Man: just goes to show how a good man can just saunter down a very bad road.
Watchmen: reading again... and again... and again...

And then in Wow, we've got Ute who's grinding Ironforge rep because she just wants a mountain goat to ride; Pirjo who doesn't know what to do with herself out there in Northrend; and poor Tytos, who just wants to redeem his Death Knight corrupted soul.

I'll say it again, working for a living just takes all the fun out of life...

And boy is it nice to come home to a clean apartment. It is worth every single penny!


Cheryl Czekala said...

Perfect shot of your perfectly arranged kitties! I gather from your last sentence that you finally decided to pay someone else to clean your apartment? That is great, 'cause when were you ever going to find the time?!


Snarfff said...

Yes, yay, house-cleaner is beautiful....

Unknown said...

Kitties look so regal and dignified. Good for you for getting a house cleaner. Yea! Now you can focus on getting that goat for the priestess with hooves.

JoeEuphonium said...

ooh pretty linen... looks like someones getting a lint roller for her comforter for christmas ^.^ *huggles*

wait a sec... didn't you go help SP a while back there.... where's the return service? lol >.<

thistle said...

hey! its not like she INVITES me over....... and anyway, she is PAYIng someone now..... so NOW if I come over there might actually be clean dishes for me to dirty up >,<

JoeEuphonium said...

lol okies beth... if you "invite" us over when I'm up there, I will do dishes for ya, make dinner, and then do them again. lol >.<

hehehe lol and Shar..."paying" ... hehe I believe there were some lovely tasty drinks involved on that day ... that's kinda like a payment hehehe >.<