Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boy How I Love Case Studies

Okay, I know I am not particularly thrilled by my online PM classes. They aren't bad, but I'd rather be studying some cool piece of history.

I do need to finish these classes, however, so here I am on my Sunday trying to finish Portfolio Management so I can then get through with Project to Enterprise. But... how the heck can I get through the final Harvard case study when I've got Katja interrupting me? I mean, for pity's sake...

And don't even ask what Keiko is doing while I'm here trying to work!


Update: 4:38 pm
Done with the Portfolio Management class, exam submit and passed! One down one to go! Woo Hoo!


JoeEuphonium said...

What's Keiko doing while your trying to work there? ^.^

Snarfff said...

While I was trying to read my case study, Katja, the one in the pic, keep trying to push her way past the paper. What should have taken 10 minutes at most to read, took more like 20. Then, when I started to watch the online session, Keiko, my calico, kept walking back and forth under my nose, meowing. Why is it that cats only want your attention when you need to give it to something else? I mean, I was in bed till 11 this morning. Did either of them try to get attention then, while I was chilling and readying? Hell no. Dang cats. Cant live with 'em, can't live without 'em...

JoeEuphonium said...

^.^ cats will be cats. Rrrreooow!

Just Me Mike said...

AWESOME!!!! CONGRATS! one more to go!!! :-)