Friday, November 14, 2008

Maybe it's the full moon?

Okay, I'm not usually quite this dark, but I was just watching that John Grisham flick with Gene Hackman, where he plays a guy on death row for killing two kids during the Civil Rights movement. Neither the movie, nor the book, were particularly good, but I didn't feel like changing the channel, so I watched it to the end, when (spoiler) he gets executed. It got me thinking about death and life and all that fun stuff and I wrote this...

No matter how we face death,
or with eyes open,
we see in those fleeting moments
a lifetime of memories.
The wrong we have done.
The good we have wrought.
For all of us
there is both
and only through death
are we reconciled.

Ewww... I know, dark and not particularly good, but I felt compelled.

Forgive me for sharing, but really, I didn't want to suffer it alone.

Now for some Wrath of the Lich King!


Cheryl Czekala said...

It was quite a moon, Beth, and I think your poem is beautiful.

JoeEuphonium said...

*strokes chin and soaks it in*

Death... it happens to everyone... For you Beth and all the ones I love...I hope it comes at the end of long fulfilled life in a peaceful slumber with a smile on your face because you know that your life has been complete. *huggles*

perhaps just not a good night to be alone.

p.s. Thanks for letting me taste from the cookie jar *huggles more* It was indeed mouthwatering.

Snarfff said...

Awe, sweet, Joe. But just so no one worries. Wasn't down or depressed or anything. Thinking about death isn't always bad. If anything, it makes you think more about the quality of your life and how you should be living it! Huggles back to you!

thistle said...

I agree with the thinking about death not being a bad thing. In Narcissus and Goldman, Goldman talked about being in awe of a most amazing sculpture of the virgin Mary, because she bore an expression of absolute Joy and absolute Sorrow at the same time. You gotta have the black with the white baby!

And THANK you for sharing the writing! Yay!!

JoeEuphonium said...

When you think about death and it helps you to realize to enjoy today then yes it is a good thing :)

When you think about death and you let it consume you and take you down that is a bad thing :(

^.^ Me however... i like to think about apple pie and how good it would be to have in the bottom of my tummy! :P hehe

... in respects to my death...I hope its a huge celebration with everyone's whose lives I've touched being there, thankful that they got to know me and how I made there lives better for just being part of it. Right now there is only one thing in life that if I died tonight that I would be sad about. One thing isn't so bad... and even that I am working on changing.