Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sleep Did Not Come

So, despite being exhausted from being sick and from many nights of poor sleep, I still need to manage sleep well. I have that horrible kind of insomnia that both makes it difficult to fall asleep AND makes it hard to fall back asleep if you get woken during the night. I'm sure it is stress, and I blame my job. My brain just chatters, chatters, chatters and I can't get it to shut up.

For example, at 4:00 a.m. I was lying in bed composing an email I wanted to send to my whole project team (50+ people) with an update on where we are with the different ares of our implementation. I mean, come on! Is that something I should be thinking about at 4:00 in the morning?

Then I tried counting backwards from 100. I did that 3 or 4 times. Then I thought, that's too east. I can get distracted from counting and go back to the inane chattering. So I then tried counting backwards from 500, but in threes. 500, 497, 494, 491, 488... that lasted for a while as it did require me to pay attention, but when I got down to the 200s and I still wasn't any closer to sleep, I gave up.

As you can see, it was not a restful night. I tossed and turned from 3:00 am to about 4:30 am, then got up to watch some TV and try to fall asleep on the couch, then went back into bed around 6:00 am, at which point I did finally fall asleep, only have to get up at 7:20 so I could get ready for work.

Is there no justice in the world? Can't someone just give me some sleeping pills please? Or maybe a bellhop who can carry around my stress luggage?


Unknown said...

How about some over-the-counter sleep-aid? Or a very boring book. I have no problem sleeping but my dreams were all about work. When I woke up, I have to redo everything again!!! So mad.

Paco Taco Mike said...

Aw I hope you are able to sleep better tonight, perhaps some sleeping pills and wine? I heard they make a great combination. Anyway, my blog address is