Sunday, June 8, 2008

Cleaning/Purging is so lame...

SP took took over 10 bags of books away today. She is going to attempt to sell them and make some cash for herself. I hope so gets some good cash back. I have done a lot in the bedroom though it seems I still have a long way to go. I cleaned up the hall closet a bit so I could put the craft boxes in there. Not enough room for the comics so for the last few hours I've been working on the bedroom closet. I've thrown out a bunch of crap I was keeping for no good reason, dumped some clothing I haven't worn in ages and put the comics on the shelves. I'm now cleaning the walls with bleach to help with some of the mildew that seems to always grown in there. I even swept the closet floor. Sheesh. I feel just a bit too productive.

But today has not been all work and no play. SP, Gabe-ish and I went out to the cafe by the beach for breakfast in the a.m. Then, in between spurts of cleaning, I was playing battlegrounds in WoW so I could get a better weapon, which I have now acquired! It's a very lovely longsword. My pally is quite happy. I shall continue in the battlegrounds until I get some better armor, as well.

My final goal for the day will be to finish the closet and throw out some more crap in the bedroom before I go to bed. Marc will come over tomorrow night to help me dismantle the futon frame and get it down to the garage.


Cheryl Czekala said...

You rock, and I am in awe--yea verily inspired to do more of the same at my own home (and with the same book dilemma!).

As for relaxing colors, blues, greens and lavenders always cool my anxious mind. My Happy Plum bedroom walls give me peace. You might also like those deep greens and eggplant shades you often wear. Love you!

thistle said...

with your books and my own I had collected here for selling purposes, I think I have made about $120. But then of course I SPENT some at the fabulous bookstores I found around here. *wink*