Friday, June 27, 2008

Insomnia is for the birds!

I worked too many long days this week. Yesterday I was swamped off and on all day dealing with an issue related to how we select people for different roles in our environment -- which controls what kinds of resources they can access. And then at the end of the day we had a Director's Meeting where I was presenting some of the Project Management changes we are starting to move towards to give the Director's a chance to provide some feedback. As a result, all day my attention level was exceedingly high.

When I finally got home for work, I ended up doing more work because I hadn't had a chance to get to some of the tasks I had wanted to get to during the day. By the time I went to bed, I was pretty tired, but wound up. I managed to fall asleep without too much difficulty, but then woke up at, like, 4:00 a.m.! Of course I just could not fall back to sleep. Instead, my head was full of horrible work things, like Home Org vs Ck Distribution Org vs Timesheet Org! How horrible is that? I finally gave up trying to sleep and just snuggled in my covers and complained at the cats for not being willing to cuddle with me. They are such traitors!

Today I worked at home in the a.m. -- very productive. Cats were once again traitors and stayed in the living room all morning! Lazy beasts. Now I'm in an Office 2007 Pilot Training Class. I quite like the new version, despite my desire not to.

Tonight I shall attempt to clean the house a bit in prep for the Quasar of Rage's birthday festivities. I do not want to face the wrath of QOR.

1 comment:

thistle said...

as if flood dreams of mine arent bad enough, ow Im sure they will be infested with rats too.....