Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bedroom Transformation Underway

After a long time of wanting to get some proper bedroom furniture -- still have my old futon frame, an end table that's wobbling and no dressers -- I finally took the plunge and purchased a bedroom set. I had been shopping around for awhile and had thought I wanted this nice, heavy bed from Pottery Barn, but when I came across a Room & Board catalog and saw the Lowry collection my mind was immediately changed. Even so, I hedged and hedged until I finally went to the store with Abby and took the plunge. I ended up getting the bed in queen, the 5 drawer-tall dresser and one end table. It gets delivered this week.

Needless to say, when you spend a significant chunk of change on new furniture you get the idea that perhaps it's time to do something about the existing condition of the room. And those of you who know me know this won't be pretty. First, I want to get all the books out of the bedroom. I can't put them all in the living room, so all there is to do is mass purging. I'm up to 6+ bags of books and still I purge. It's painful getting rid of my books, but I've tried to take the approach that if I haven't reread it in the past several years, then it needs to go or be passed along to a friend who will enjoy the reading. I'm considering posting something on Craig's list about the books... something like, "bags and bags of books available for free - you pick up."

After purging the books it will be time to get the craft supplies and comic books -- both of which are stored in plastic containers -- put away in the hall closet (a disaster area of its own). Then it's just a matter of dismantling the old futon frame and getting it down to the garage to be disposed of. How does one get rid of junk like this in this city?

After the room is purged of it's clutter, cleansed and new furniture delivered, I shall paint. I have some ideas, but they haven't panned out so far and I don't want to paint until the furniture is in so i can make sure the colors will be right. Any suggestions for a nice, relaxing bedroom color scheme?

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