Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Feline Chaos

Late in the night, when the sky was dark and the fog thick, I reclined in bed, resting against my pillows, reading quietly. Suddenly, with no warning, noise erupted around me. By the window, dark blue curtains in array, gray flashing fur and the rough, aggressive feline growling and hissing filled the evening silence.

A neighborhood cat had strayed onto our fire escape. Katja, in defense of her home and hearth, tore down the screen and launched herself at the offender, making it clear that no stranger cat was welcome here.

After grabbing the enraged girl from the fire escape and bringing her back in the house, things did not settle down as expected, once the foe was abolished. Instead, Katja, in her rage and fury, no longer recognized our calico girl and Keiko tentatively moved around in fear and worry, her ears back and her shoulders low to the ground in an attempt to reassure. Not appeased, Katja remained on edge and only in the morning hours did things seem to have returned to normalcy.


I'd like to say it was just last night, but things are not back to normal... just before leaving for work this morning Katja flew off the handle again and started growling and hissing at Keiko. Now I am home and again, I thought all was well, but sure enough, Katja is still being a total freak. I'm very perplexed. Total cat freak out.


9:40 pm still having hissing and growling drama.
10:20 pm neighborhood cat appears on fire escape and causes drama despite windows being shut- Keiko's tail resembles wire brush.


JoeEuphonium said...

wow ... I haven't known a cat to be freaked out for that long. Is she in heat? Very peculiar indeed. Hope she does better soon.

Snarfff said...

Both cats are fixed. Clearly the cat on the fire escape has really freaked them both out... he keeps coming back and Katja and Keiko are now both hissing and growling and jumping at the windows -- which are both shut now -- and at each other. When it happens I run to the window, open it, lean out and make violent shoo-ing gestures at the intruding feline. I can only hope he'll get the point. Tension is high in the household right now. I may start to keep a water sprayer by the window.

JoeEuphonium said...

OR A BB GUN! >.<