Sunday, December 28, 2008

I can SO Relate!

This poor little Cute Overload kitteh and I are so on the same page... someone send him some flowers and maybe a catnip face mask!

My physical therapist, Mary Edna, says I can go ahead and try a little knitting. She thinks doing some things that will get me back to a more natural habit will be good help in loosening the muscles. She did note that I shouldn't, uh, promise any finished projects anytime in the near future, though. Heh. I found a simple seed stitch hat pattern that I'm going to give a try, provided I can get a good gauge. M.E. also suggested trying some other natural movements, like splashing water on my face. That one didn't go to well since I couldn't really get my hand close enough to my face. I did, however, manage to butter and jam up some toast using my right hand! You may scoff, but if you had seen me in the beginning trying this with my left hand you'd be happy to see my progress with the right. :-)

Overall the day has been boring. The slacker bro was supposed to come up for a visit, but his back is bothering him so he had to pass. Instead, I've been pretty much doing nothing except thinking about the organizing of my living room and looking for some easy knitting patterns to try.

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