Monday, December 22, 2008

Just a Little at a Time

Good day so far. Despite not wanting to get up, shower and dress, I did. Edwin picked me up for PT and it went well. Painful, of course, but good. She managed to push the supination of my wrist to 5 degrees!!! Woo Hoo!!! Didn't even cry this time, though it was close -- did make my stomach turn a bit. So work this week will be to keep it there and perhaps move a bit more. Work continues on bending and straightening the arm as well. She even said I could try to do some typing with my right hand, and I am!!!! Feels funny, but also feels like progress. But only a little at a time or ouchies.

Edwin and I then went for a quick bite to eat and then took a walk in the Arboretum. Very relaxing and refreshing. Hoping for some company for dinner tonight, too, so all in all a good day.

Yesterday was good, too, cause I went to brunch at my friend's house and then the Slacker Bro and Mattster came by. The company really helps keep my spirits up.

Until later...

Update: current degree status for PT
Bending arm in: 125
Bending arm out: 130
Pronation: 75
Supination: 5
(all done with PT therapist force)

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