Sunday, February 8, 2009

The End of another Weekend

Well, here it is, Sunday evening already. Why is it weekends always go by so quickly? Is it because we are so happy that we are blissfully unaware of the time passing by, unlike while at work where we just can't wait to get out and watch the clock far too closely? Regardless, it's back to work tomorrow and the hopes for a quick passing.

The weekend was nice. Drove down to SJ to visit the bro and got to see SP and the Gabeish, too. Helped out the economy by doing some shopping at Fry's, though I was a bit irked tonight when I opened up my new DVD of The Pelican Brief only to discover it was damaged. Instead, I'm watching Raider's of the Lost Ark.

Today I crawled out of bed late for my brunch date with Walker... thankfully she is patient with me :-) We went to Paul K, which I have written about before, if you recall. Overall I was very pleased with our food. I had brioche french toast with blueberry butter and maple syrup. YUM! Walker had poached eggs with smoked sturgeon (they were out of lox), served over a biscuit and then topped with hollandaise sauce. Another tasty dish, though the sauce was a tiny bit too lemony. Consistency was nice, however, and the swapping of the english muffin with the biscuit was a nice touch. We shared some maple bacon -- well, what can I say about bacon? YUM! We also shared a trio of sorbet -- blackberry, white peach and raspberry, I think. All tasty. And of course we enjoyed a lively chat and each other's company. We then took a little walk, stopped at the local bookshop where I picked up Shalimar the Clown, by Salman Rushdie (haven't read him before so we shall see) and ended up back to her place to watch A Secret Life of Bees, which I liked a lot, though it did make me cry.

This brings me to a quick update to my blog structure... I have never successfully kept my lists for currently reading, recently read, recently watched updated, so I decided to take them out and have added one list for "worth reading/watching." I'll only put things worth mentioning there.

Hope all of you are doing well!


JoeEuphonium said...

wow... Sounds like fry's IS the devil place >.< ... Dave forgot to get his card reader... you go jipped on a dvd which they probably will try and NOT replace for you ... and Shar....*shudders* ... I am afraid to even ask what she got... lol

You just pushed me over the edge with the description of all that wonderful food! I am going downstairs to make a midnight snack... probably a chicken salad sandwich : P

Snarfff said...

When you get out here we'll "do brunch". :-)

JoeEuphonium said...

^.^ yayness!