Friday, January 2, 2009

Another Day...

Supination still only 5 degrees. It seems certain now that I will have to use some sort of rack-like torture device to push the arm further. My PT doesn't think it's the muscle but more the bones. Sigh.

I took cabs to and from PT today and had nice conversations with the drivers - the ride there was about politics, and the ride back was family and health. Nice gents. PT not so nice, but I just breathed deeply and let her do her thing with my arm.

Decided to give a different book a go. This time I'm trying "Size 14 isn't Fat, Either", by Meg Cabot. I read her first one, "Size 12 isn't Fat", which was a lot of fun. The series features Heather Wells, a former pop singer who's now working as an assistant hall director at a NYC college in the Village. She finds herself in the center of some murders and, in a charming and sweet manner, ends up working to resolve the crimes. So far it's keeping my attention and making me laugh, which is a good thing! In case you don't recognize the author, Meg Cabot wrote the Princess Diaries series.

Finally got my new computer speakers and managed to get them and the subwoofer all hooked up. Sounds good. I'm glad I got them and they weren't that expensive.

Gave WoW a try today. I could probably do some low level stuff, but anything my level will be hard because I can't really move that fast on the keyboard yet. Might have to play with the Slacker Bro for a while or expect to die a lot.

Waiting on my dinner... Chinese from "Joe's Excellent Chinese Cuisine". Think I'll watch some movies.

1 comment:

SookyBrickhouse said...

My friend sent me the Meg books because she thinks I am accident prone and my adventures in res life and relationship mishaps. I beg to differ but I look fabulous in a size 14 gown heeee