Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogger Slackness

It's been a while since I blogged so I will try to update a bunch of things today.

Sunday I had a house full of afternoon guests. My slacker bro came up to hang with me and then SP, Gabish and Joe came up as well. We chilled out, ate a lot of Chinese food, and then everyone went home :-) Expect me... I was already home, duh!

Monday, Joe (who was visiting from Texas), called me, as agreed, at 10:00 a.m. to plan some time sight seeing before he had to fly home the next day. SP had been sick with some awful virus so Joe ended up spending most of his vacation (plus the extra week) taking care of her. Much to my surprise, not only did he call me at 10:00, but he was already outside the apt! Talk about ready for the day. Being that I had, uh, just woken up when he called, I wasn't quite ready yet. But Joe's a patient guy. He came in, had some tea with me, and we chatted while I did my morning PT exercises. Then off we went for a drive around the city. We stopped at the Palace of Fine Arts first. It's undergoing a lot of construction, so we couldn't walk all the way around the pond, but that is a worthy sacrifice since the place was in dire need of repairs! We then drove down the crookedest street (Lombard) and went up to Coit Tower, drove through North Beach, along the Embarcadero and then over and around the city via 280 to Glen Park and up to Twin Peaks. It was a beautiful day, so the views every where were awesome. Then we had cheesesteaks for lunch and Joe took me to PT. All in all, a good day, though too short... I hope he'll have more time to do some serious sight seeing when he is back next time!

Tuesday Mr. Perry came up and we had lunch and got mani and pedis (it was Mr. Perry's first such indulgence and he seemed to enjoy it much) and then I got some sock yarn at Alteier. Yes, I'm going to give socks a try after I finish this little hat I'm working on. I found an online sock tutorial I'm going to give a try.

Wednesday I was a slug until 5:00 when Major's called and asked if I wanted to go to Stonestown with him. He had Abs with him so the three of us had a nice evening together. It was good to get dressed and out of the house! I don't like being a slug for so long. When I got home I then went next door to Amy's and we watched the second night of American Idol. Fun!

Today I had PT and my appointment with the chic from the Dynasplint company for my fitting. The supination device is quite the contraption. Let's hope it helps!

Now I'm just home chilling. Apartment is nice and clean thanks to Monica's bi-weekly visit this morning -- nothing like walking into a clean smelling and looking apartment.


Cheryl Czekala said...

So glad to see that your blog-absence was due to being kept busy by good friends! (I was getting a little worried...)


JoeEuphonium said...

^.^ I had such a blast Bethums *huggles* I must say you were totally what I expected....Awesomeness!

I'm saddened that I have to wait six months before my next visit :( But next time I bring reinforcements >.<