Saturday, January 3, 2009

Special Offer: Feline Recliner

Available for a short time only! Are you a descerning feline who wants and expects the best in luxury products? If so, this custom recliner is just for you. Two long, well padded human legs provide stable support. Lined in soft, warm velvet-encased down, this recliner will give you hours of comfort.

Stretch out or curl up. Sprawl across for a nice muscle massage. The choice is yours! Order now before it's too late!

(Quantities limited. Extended warranty available for an extra fee.)


Unknown said...

If I call now to order, will I get the DVD Life of Birds thrown in -- all for the low price of $19.99 plus shipping and handling?

Snarfff said...

For you, a fine and superior customer, I think we could work something out.