Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bozeman and Errands

Today I have no real pictures... First there was Linda's eye dr. appointment. The we went into Bozeman to do errands. We had lunch at a place called the Cat's Eye Cafe. I had the most yummy banana bread french toast. We then walked a few blocks through downtown Bozeman, which is a pretty little place, and went to the Gift Corral where I bought many Montana items for nostalgia and gift-giving...

Then more errands... the bookstore so I could have an iced latte and Linda could take yet another business call... the airport, so I could see the big bear statue and get a special Bozeman penny... the supermarket for groceries... and then a stop at the Missouri head waters before coming back home for a relaxing evening together.

Tomorrow I head off to Glacier Park... my vacation has been extended by a week!!! At some point I'll end up in Portland, Or. Then who knows... the world is my oyster...

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