Oh, the excitement of downtown Winnemucca, Nv. Small town off of I-80. A good milestone, but not much there. It did make me think about how a person ends up in a place like Winnemucca. I mean, I saw some agricultural business, maybe some cattle stuff, but there isn't much. Just can't imagine picking a place like that to live... though maybe folks there have had family ties for a long time... anyway, if it makes them happy, great... it's just way out of my league...

Last pic for tonight is a shot heading north on Rt. 93 towards Twin Falls, Id. At this point I'm very close to the city, population 35,000. This is the American Heartland, folks. While Idaho is a strong Red state, I can't quite understand why they would be for the Republicans since it seems to go counter to their best interests... in a place deeply rooted in Christian traditions it seems ironic that such a place would support a corrupt, anit-Democratic, murdering regime as the one the Republicans currently support. But then, that's just me... thankfully they only have 4 EVs.

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