Monday, September 8, 2008

What a Monday

First on Monday's Bellhops agenda:

C.O. does it again with insane cuteness...
1) Pull up your iTunes...
2) Find you section of Metallica, in particular, Enter Sandman from the Black Album...
3) Start it up...
4) While the opening rifts play, open this url: (if the pic is way little, try clicking on it - that worked for me)
5) Then sing along...


Next on the Monday Bellhops agenda:

The new HBO Series, True Blood. Okay, maybe it won't surprise most of you that I would want to check out an HBO series on vampires -- heh, it's kinda in my blood, heh -- but I watched it with a certain degree of skepticism given the recent glut of really bad vampire-esque-ness out there these days. Be that as it may, I totally enjoyed the first episode. Anna Paquin was perfect in her role as a sweet, upstanding southern young lady with a healthy open-minded curiosity regarding the recently "out of the casket" vampires. And what with the vampire blood stealers, noisy mind-reading, sex-laced murder, Southern barn entertainment, and, well, much more, I have to give it two thumbs up. Season is on the TIVO list. Ready for the next episode.

Next on the Monday Bellhops agenda:

This coming Saturday I head for the wild west of Montana, with my fully paid-off-pink-slip-received-and-in-my-hot-little-hands Honda heading east. The Woodens have my travel itinerary all planned out and I am very much looking forward to the trip. I may even get onto the water! In a boat! I love the water and I love boats! Woo Hoo!!! With the exception of a college trip to Colorado Springs, a few visits to Chicago, and a few months in San Antonio, I really haven't had much to do with anything between the east and west coasts, so driving further east than Reno should be fun. I'll even get to drive through Idaho. Who would have thought I'd ever go to Idaho! I will do my best to blog as I go. God bless the iPhone and Blogger.

Next on the Monday Bellhops agenda:

Boy, work is just kicking my butt these past few weeks. What do I have to sacrifice to get some relief?


Unknown said...

Congrats on full ownership of the Civic! I hope you have a safe, relaxing and awesome trip to Montana. Have fun and looking forward to hearing all about the trip when you are back.

Snarfff said...

When I'm back? Heck, you'll be hearing about it before then if you keep up with Bellhops :-)