Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Map of the Montana Road Trip

Here is the final map of the path traveled on my Montana Road Trip.

I wanted to do a point by point, but it's kinda hard to do that easily within Google Maps, at least in a way that can be narrated. But I suppose it isn't really necessary. Including the portions of the trip done with Linda and Wood, we're talking roughly 3,600 miles of road. What the hell was I thinking?

I'm working on some trip tidbits, but this requires close review of maps, pictures and personal reflections.

All that really matters, though, is the Jay-Walking Mountain Goat!

Yum, it's 10:15 pm now and, well, I guess I won't be doing any classwork tonight... doh!!! I'm such a slacker!


Cheryl Czekala said...

Just look at all those miles you drove all by yourself!! You're a frickin' pioneer, and you are my hero(ine).

thistle said...

me thinks you must be a little crazy. and the owner of a sore butt....